Windows explorer show folder size
Windows explorer show folder size

More advanced tools are available by clicking the Options icon, then clicking Change Folder and Search Options. In the Layout section, you can select entirely different views for this specific folder. Here you can enable or disable the Navigation pane (where the Quick Access section is) and show or hide separate panes for Preview (which will show larger versions of things like photos or videos) and Details (which show more technical aspects of a file or group of files at a glance). The View tab is where some more interesting tools are located. You can make this area visible at all times by clicking the Down button next to the folder name in the window header, then de-selecting Minimize the Ribbon.

windows explorer show folder size

More advanced functions are available in the ribbon interface (introduced in Windows 8), which you can open by clicking Home, Share, or View. Most user interface space of File Explorer is dedicated to displaying icons and the tree view on the left side because opening and moving files and folders are what you’ll be doing 90% of the time. Other folders on your computer are available in a tree view below OneDrive. OneDrive, Microsoft’s cloud storage service, gets a dedicated folder beneath the Quick Access area. To remove frequently accessed folders, right-click the folder, then select Remove From Quick Access. To remove a folder from the Quick Access view, simply click the Pin icon to the right of the folder label.

windows explorer show folder size

Dragging and dropping files and folders will move them (or copy them, if they’re on a separate drive). Now you’ll be able to open this folder from any other folder instantly.

Windows explorer show folder size